Portable flaw detectors -- Versatile ultrasonic flaw detectors are used for every type of ultrasonic testing. Mainly they are used for detection and evaluation of internal flaws.
Thickness gauges -- These ultrasonic gauges are used for thickness measurements, including presice measurements and relative thickness measurements, all types of measurements on tubes and vessels of all kinds, subject to internal wear. Thickness gauges are portable & user friendly, they have autonomous power and operation doesn't require any special knowledge.
Ultrasonic probes -- More than 400 types of probes are available: standard (straight beam probes, angle beam probes with shear and longitudinal waves, TR-probes), probes for coarse-grain materials, special probes for UT machines, probes for spot weld testing.
Rightrax - installed sensors -- The Rightrax solution provides the ability to continuously monitor corrosion at a fraction of the cost while providing frequent and reliable information that significantly improves decision making.
Software -- Software for conduction of ultrasonic testing.